Thursday, February 12, 2015

My name is Krystal. I attend Ivy Tech Community College. I plan to pursue a Bachelor's degree in the RN program. This blog is setup so others can see the amazing and yet stressful journey I am about to go on. I know it will be worth it at the end. Right now, I am gaining experience to see what nurses go through on a daily basis by being a nurse aide. I have been an aide for 3 years now. I have inquired some great things and I have also some bad. I know my passion is in the medical field because I love taking care of people.
In this blog, I plan on to write about the basics of being a nurse. I will interview nurses that I work with and those who I don't. The knowledge I gain from them, I also want to share with you. I will post different instruments used by nurses and what they do.  The background of this blog is to know what kind of struggles nurses go through on a daily basis to keep their patients healthy and happy and yet sacrifice their health and time to care. I hope you will find my blog to be interesting. I am now ready for this incredible journey ahead of me!

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