Since I work with nurses and I get to see all the awesome things such as needles. I just wonder how I will do when I get to stick a vein for the first time. Will I be nervous? or will I think " Oh this is a piece of cake"? Who will the person be that I stick for the first time? What will they be thinking? The nerves that come with becoming a nurse.
Some nurses make it look so easy while others still struggle to find that vein. I believe older people are easy to find veins on because of their thin skin but can also be scary cause they are so fragile. I can't imagine how many times I will have to poke a person with stubborn veins. I know some people that have veins that are tougher than Ford itself..( Ha!) and their arms are so bruised! Oh! Just writing this blog post is making me more anxious and nervous at the same time. I just know that I want to be the best nurse I can be and stick the needle in the vein the right way the first time so I don't hurt anyone.
I enjoy doing patient's vitals. I think it is so awesome to see their o2 stats go up if they are having a hard time breathing and they are automatically put on oxygen. (That is the geek in me) Did you know a person's normal o2 (oxygen level) should be around 90%. I see a lot of patients where I work drop in their 50's. Its CRAY CRAY how fast a person's health can drop if they aren't properly hooked up to their proper machine.
Another part of taking vitals is temperature. Of course, everyone's temp should be close to 98.6 and anything
higher than that is considered a fever. The correct way to find a temperature is sticking the thermometer under your armpit (brachial), orally or sticking it in your rectum (OUCH!)